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 Search for O  resulted with the following
Brand Name/Manufactured Generic Name/Name Sold As
OBESTAT Manufactured by CIPLA SibutramineMeridia 
OCUVIR Manufactured by FDC AcyclovirZovirax 
OGLO Manufactured by PANACEA ActosPioglitazone 
OKABAX MD Manufactured by OKASA Generic VioxxRofecoxib 
OKACET Manufactured by CIPLA CetirizineZyrtec 
OKAMET Manufactured by OKASA MetaforminGlucophageGlucophage XR 
OLAMIN Manufactured by Micro Labs CiclopiroxLoprox 
OLIZA Manufactured by INTAS OlanzapineZyprexa 
OMECIP Manufactured by CIPLA LosecOmeprazolePrilosec 
ONE-ALPHA Manufactured by CROSLANDS AlfacalcidolAlfaD 
Opticrom Eyedrops Manufactured by Aventis Crolom 
Oratane Manufactured by Douglas RoaccutaneAccutaneIsotretinoin 
ORIPHEX Manufactured by ZYDUS CephalexinBiocefKeflexKeftab 
Ospamox Manufactured by Pacific AmoxycillinAmoxicillin 
OSRAL Manufactured by PANACIA BIO EvistaRaloxifene 
OSTEOFOS Manufactured by Cipla FosamaxAlendronate Sodium 
OTRIVIN Manufactured by NOVARTIS Natru-VentOtrivinXylometazoline 
OVRAL-L Manufactured by WYETH OvranetteLevlenLevoraNordette 
Oxa Forte Manufactured by
OXCARB Manufactured by Cipla-Protec OxcarbazepineTrileptal 
Oxsoralen Manufactured by DermaTech methoxsalen 
OXYSPAS Manufactured by CIPLA OxybutyninDitropan 
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